Profil public May Wang

May Wang  
  • 3.4/5
Profil d'évaluation : 3.4/5
Nombre d'évaluations : 0

Vendeur inscrit depuis le 10 avril 2021
Lieu ou se trouve le vendeur : Shandong
Voir la vitrine de May Wang

Chine (Rép. pop) 266001 Biens d'équipement
Disinfection electric fogger

Dimanche 11 avril 2021

Quantité : 1set - Prix : 65,00 €

ULV cold fogger are widely used in sanitation and epidemic prevention, disinfection, sterilization, insecticide, formaldehyde removal and other fields. This product has many advantages, such as good orientation, long range, good insecticidal effect, water-saving, medicine-saving,...

Chine (Rép. pop) 266001 Biens d'équipement
Electric 7 L sprayer

Dimanche 11 avril 2021

Quantité : 1set - Prix : 75,00 €

ULV cold fogger are widely used in sanitation and epidemic prevention, disinfection, sterilization, insecticide, formaldehyde removal and other fields. This product has many advantages, such as good orientation, long range, good insecticidal effect, water-saving, medicine-saving,...

Chine (Rép. pop) 266001 Biens d'équipement
ULV cold fogger

Dimanche 11 avril 2021

Quantité : 1set - Prix : 75,00 €

ULV cold fogger are widely used in sanitation and epidemic prevention, disinfection, sterilization, insecticide, formaldehyde removal and other fields. This product has many advantages, such as good orientation, long range, good insecticidal effect, water-saving, medicine-saving,...