Vitrine de TEKKY Intelligent Business Group

1 annonce publiée par Tekky

Thailande 10200 Destockage
photo non disponible

Mercredi 04 avril 2007

Quantité : 2,000 pack - Prix : F.O.B.

Our company was founded in 1995. It is located in Bangkok, Thailand. It aims to design, produce and distribute an array of superior paper toys, diversified in different aspects, to all countries. PAPERMOCK is a trademark for the toys. Its aims to educate either intellectual or body...

Intelligent Business Group

  • tekky
  • 10200 - Bangkok
  • +66 8 98 96 16 40
Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

Pour contacter le responsable de la vitrine : tekky