Vitrine de KARLABAMBOO Greenstar International Limited

1 annonce publiée par Karlabamboo

Chine (Rép. pop) 311300 Destockage
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Samedi 28 juin 2008

Greenstar Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring is made by pressing together thousands of strands of shredded bamboo which is then combined with a resin. This combination is then compressed under thousands of pounds of pressure. Rated at 3000 on the Janka scal, this floor is harder than Brazilian Cherry...

Greenstar International Limited

  • karlabamboo
  • 311300 - Linan
  • 86 571 63808330
  • 86 13675895639
Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

Pour contacter le responsable de la vitrine : karlabamboo