Vitrine de INTERCIT.FMEA Arex Computers Ltd.

AREX FMEA is modular database software designed for companies with a huge variety of similar products: With AREX FMEA, you create your own company specific resource of standard failure analyses (e.g. for single process steps or common design elements). As a result, each product specific FMEA (a complete process or design concept) is composed of modules from the resource database, comparable to a "box of bricks". Relational database system Design, process and system FMEA Free definable classification into process steps Modular structure for complex products based on process step/function related FMEA resources Hierarchical hardware tree chart to visualize system and/or process level User defined catalogues and checklists for data entry WYSIWYG data input into displayed FMEA form No limit of text volume within your FMEA form Internal team comments on text entries Text retrieval and search functions for detection/adoption of analogies in former studies Context sensitive proposals from the FMEA knowledge base on a mouse click Hyperlinks to external documents (Word™/DOC, Excel™/XLS, PDF, JPG, GIF, PPT, HTML) Action affectivity evaluation (cost/benefit ratio) Form preview in four zoom notches FMEA form printout acc. AIAG, J1739, ISO TS/QS 9000, VDA or user defined (incl. German / French / Italian forms) Matrices FMEA and fault tree as optional output format Version tracking with automatic archivation of released FMEA documents Flow chart editor linked to the FMEA forms Multilingual user interface: English, German, Russian Time limit supervision for corrective actions w/filter for responsibility and support of eMail postings Risk Priority Number (RPN) rank list (and O/S/D separately, too), pareto chart for risk evaluation ´Executive report´ containing consolidated management information Password protection for user specific restrictions Control Plan acc. to QS 9000/ISO TS, linked to the FMEA data Integrated FMEA document HTML converter Optional interface to AREX QFD software Floating server license: same price as for the single user version, w/free program/database access from any workstation

1 annonce publiée par Intercit.fmea

Bulgarie 9000 High Tech
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Jeudi 20 mars 2025

InterCIT FMEA is a modular database software designed for companies with a huge variety of similar products: With InterCIT FMEA, you create your own company specific resource of standard failure analyses (e.g. for single process steps or common design elements). As a result, each...

Arex Computers Ltd.

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