Vitrine de HEANJIA Heanjia Super-Metals Co., Ltd

Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys

5 annonces publiées par Heanjia

Chine (Rép. pop) 100176 Matières premières
Inconel mesh

Dimanche 16 mars 2025

Quantité : 50kg

Inconel Wire Mesh Screen provides excellent resistance to the many corrosive environments such as acids, alkalies, oxidizing and reducing conditions. It is utilized in the elevated temperature operations. Inconel Wire Mesh Screen offers large fatigue strength at the room temperature...

Heanjia Super-Metals Co., Ltd

  • heanjia
  • 100176 - Beijing
  • +8613426315876
Chine (Rép. pop) 100176 Matières premières
Monel mesh

Dimanche 16 mars 2025

Quantité : 50kg

Monel Wire Mesh Screen is a superior resistant to corrosion that is caused by the sea water, stress corrosion cracking in the freshwater, dry hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids. It can be easily used in the non-oxidizing chloride solutions. It attains large strength and causes resistance...

Heanjia Super-Metals Co., Ltd

  • heanjia
  • 100176 - Beijing
  • +8613426315876
Chine (Rép. pop) 100176 Matières premières
Nickel Mesh

Dimanche 16 mars 2025

Quantité : 50kg

Nickel mesh is used in the diverse corrosion conditions such as neutral, acidic and alkaline salts, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid. The metal provides sufficient resistance to the strong and rigorous salts such as phosphorous trichloride, phosphorous oxychloride and benzoyl chloride...

Heanjia Super-Metals Co., Ltd

  • heanjia
  • 100176 - Beijing
  • +8613426315876
Chine (Rép. pop) 100176 Matières premières
Hastelloy mesh

Dimanche 24 avril 2016

Quantité : 50kg

Hastelloy Mesh provides intense resistance to the wide corrosion media including pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. It strictly resists the stress corrosion cracking and oxidizing aqueous solutions. It offers tremendous resistance to hydrates chlorine, nitric acid and oxidizing...

Heanjia Super-Metals Co., Ltd

  • heanjia
  • 100176 - Beijing
  • +8613426315876
Chine (Rép. pop) 100176 Matières premières
Nichrome mesh

Dimanche 24 avril 2016

Quantité : 50kg

Nichrome wire mesh attains the splendid features of excellent resistance to corrosion at the grand temperature levels. It attains minor temperature coefficient of expansion and large performance temperature limit. It provides tremendous resistance to carburization, thermal upset...

Heanjia Super-Metals Co., Ltd

  • heanjia
  • 100176 - Beijing
  • +8613426315876
Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

Pour contacter le responsable de la vitrine : heanjia