Vitrine de 8THMANAGE Wisage Technology.Inc.

Wisagetechwas established in 2004, with headquarters in the U.S. and Hong Kong, a research center in Guangzhou and sales centers in America and Beijing. It is a leading provider of CRM, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), and Project Management solutions for organizations, with the goal of creating a unified business intelligence and collaboration environment.
Wisagetech’s co-founder and CEO, Stephen Law, has been working in the IT industry in U.S. and Hong Kong for over 30 years as a leading researcher and senior manager in a number of multinational enterprises and organizations, including HK Exchanges & Clearing Limited, InterWorld, Perot Systems Corp., City Bank, DEC, Perkins Elmer and Bell Labs. During those 30 years, he has accumulated a wealth of experience in business operation, enterprise management, and software development. In 2004, Stephen and three other experienced IT professionals returned to China and founded Wisagetech with the goal of developing a new generation of project management tools. A team of promising and ambitious engineers was assembled; their expertise and Stephen’s rich experience in the IT industry, especially in heading up the development of large-scale software rarely seen as well as his insights into the defects of management software in Europe, America and Japan, in 2007, led to the development of Wisagetech’s first management tool - 8thManage, which received immediate recognition and recommendations from well-known organizations.

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