APPLYS - 2642 Annonces

Chine (Rép. pop) 510650 Divers
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Vendredi 27 octobre 2006

Function feature Two Channels to Control 1.Remote control (arm/disarm/start the siren) 2.Phone control (arm/disarm/start the siren/ monitor) Two Types Alarm 1.Real siren alarm 2.Call alarm Other Special Functions 1. Cut the alternating real alarm 2. Cut the phone line alarm: if the...

Guangzhou Tianjian Co.,Ltd

Chine (Rép. pop) 266000 Divers
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Vendredi 01 septembre 2006

Quantité : 1000ton

LJ-HJ107 [Fluxes 107] Conforming to GB/T17854-1999 F308-H0Cr21Ni10 The fluxes apply without 'Mn',with medium 'Si', medium 'F' elements F308L-H00Cr21Ni10 LJ-HJ251 [Fluxes 251] Conforming to GB12470-90 The fluxes apply with low 'Mn',high 'Si', and low 'F' elements F5011-H10Mn2 LJ-HJ250G...

Jincai Welding Co., Ltd.

  • laijinhan
  • 266000 - Qingdao
  • 86 0532 85641729
  • 86 13793238554
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