GENERAL - 7539 Annonces

Turquie 06370 Meubles
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Mardi 10 octobre 2006

Quantité : 1 - Prix : by negotiate

General Features · Design fit to Gynaecologic & Urologic Examination · Electromechanic, non-resonance and silent motor system remoted with foot pedals make patient's different position moves available and easy. · Wheels takes patient anywhere desired easily. · Brake system securely...

ElektroMatik Foreign Trade.

  • ozgurkan
  • 06370 - Yenimahalle-Ankara
  • +90 312 3859945
  • +90 532 4504047
Turquie 06370 Meubles
photo non disponible

Mardi 10 octobre 2006

Quantité : 1

General Properties Electro-hidro control power system · Designed for different patient positions during surgical operation · Stainless under base and cover · Right-left lateral, trendelenburg - ters trendelenburg, cable remote control up-down moves · Quite, vonvibrative, leapless...

ElektroMatik Foreign Trade.

  • ozgurkan
  • 06370 - Yenimahalle-Ankara
  • +90 312 3859945
  • +90 532 4504047
France Destockage
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Vendredi 29 septembre 2006

Prix : en fonction des prod

DESTOCKAGE D'ELECTROMENAGERS NEUF AVEC PETITS DEFAUT D'ASPECT / Marque BOCH, ARISTON ,Brandt, Whirlpool, GENERAL ELECTRIC...Localisation : , orleans, Personne à contacter : Hamed Idrissi,


Chine (Rép. pop) 311600 Divers
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Samedi 16 septembre 2006

Quantité : large - Prix : negotiation

Sir, Please find our main waxes as followings: XH-200 Polyethylene Wax(PE wax) XH-201 Oxidized Polyethylene Wax XH-202B Plastic Gloss &.Lubricant XH-203B Construction Plastic Special Wax XH-204 Polyethylene Wax with Low melting point XH-205 Oxidizde PE wax with high Acid Value XH-206...

Hangzhou Aroma Chemical

  • kelin51
  • 311600 - Hangzhou
  • 86 571 64797801
  • 86 13071846076
Chine (Rép. pop) 114013 Matières premières
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Jeudi 14 septembre 2006

SEAMLESS PIPE, detailed as follow: Hot rolled structure pipe (10-20#) 57-180mm Petroleum pipe Petroleum oil pipe, Petroleum casting pipe, Petroleum casting pipe light pipe Hot rolled special pipe General special pipe: GB/T8126-1999; High press boiler pipe: GB5310-1995; Geological pipe...


  • asyingyi13
  • 114013 - Liaoning Anshan
  • 86 412 8562501
Chine (Rép. pop) 518133 High Tech
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Lundi 21 août 2006

we're a leading professional supplier in GSM Security Alarm System, which can monitor appliance with GSM SMS and auto dialing phone,play alert voice,intercom,wiretap! Maybe these is a new product line for your clients. All of our products are with attractive functions, what's about your opinions...

A Special offer GSM Alarm SI

  • machaoshan
  • 518133 - Shenzhen
  • 0086 755 21032110
  • 0086 755 27831496
Chine (Rép. pop) 523923 Matières premières
photo non disponible

Samedi 12 août 2006

Quantité : 8000

1. Material-low carbon steel 2. Uses-A general utility chain used on play ground and gymnasium equipment, fixtures, padlocks, boat, gates, porch swings as farm and animal chain and much general purpose application. 3. Finish-Bright Zinc. Other finishes available 4. Note: we also can...

San Yi Chain Hardware Co., Ltd

Emirats arabes 17258 Biens d'équipement
photo non disponible

Mercredi 26 juillet 2006

Nous la representation officielle de la marque Akira pour le moyen-orient et l'Afrique.Nous sommes bases a DUBAI mais notre quartier general se trouve a singapore. Nous vendons des televiseurs,dvd,vcd, hi-fi..ainsi que tout ce qui concerne l'electromenagers(climatiseurs,splits,gr) upe electrogene...)

jsa gulf & akira

Turquie 33010 High Tech
photo non disponible

Lundi 17 juillet 2006

Quantité : 1000 - Prix : 50 usd

Dear Sir, We have been producing telecommunication devices in Turkey since 1981. We specialize in manufacturing of Telephone Call Counters. Telephone calls are billed by device at the moment These devices are used by private people, companies such as, shops, restaurants, hotels, kiosks...

Desilmez Teknik ltd.

Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

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