METAK - 1 Annonce

Chine (Rép. pop) 231202 Destockage
Metak V Structure Design Tea Color Sorter

Dimanche 16 février 2025

Quantité : 200 - Prix : 20000USD

V Structure Design Tea Color Sorter Machine Technical Characteristics 1. Design of mechanical-electrical integration: The integration of sorting cabinet and electrical cabinet results in a more stable overall mechanical structure, prolonging the service life of the machine and making...

Metak Color Sorter Machinery Limited

Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

Résultat de votre recherche METAK VITRINES DES GROSSISTES - 1 Résultat

1. reganlee - Metak Color Sorter Machinery Limited is a professional color sorter manufacturer and supplier for Color Sorting grain, seed, beans, peanut, corn, tea, dried seafood, ore and plastic. We manufacture and supply top quality color sorter machine for global end users, wholesalers and distributors with affordable price.

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