COACH - 55 Annonces

Chine (Rép. pop) 610000 Véhicule
DelcoRemy alternator

Vendredi 21 mars 2025

Prix : on request

DelcoRemy Heavy Duty Transit/Coach Alternator T1 DelcoRemy High Output Brushless Heavy Duty Alternator 55SI DelcoRemy High Output Brushless Heavy Duty Alternator 40SI DelcoRemy Heavy Duty Alternator Brushless 34SI DelcoRemy Heavy Duty Alternator Brushless 35SI HP DelcoRemy Heavy...

A&S Auto Motor Co., Ltd.

  • 610000 - chengdu
  • +862865826124
Chine (Rép. pop) 310005 Divers
Chinese HSK Level From beginner to advanced

Jeudi 06 juin 2024

Prix : 100USD

Achieving HSK proficiency while simultaneously acquiring practical daily life knowledge in Chinese not only ensures success on the exam but also enhances overall language skills, enabling a more convenient and enriching life in China. Types of Chinese Surfing Chinese HSK Mandarin...

ChineseSurfing Co., Ltd.

  • 310005 - Hangzhou
  • +86 19857418482
Antarctique 77036 Bijoux / Accessoires

Vendredi 31 mai 2024

PitPat Mobile Running Challenge App The First online race platform and the best free treadmill workout app in the world. Connect the treadmill to PitPat, participate in the best app for indoor running, and compete for bonuses. Make Online Racing Possible Free Courses PitPat offers...


  • PitPat
  • 77036 - HOUSTON
  • ’+1 858 258 3839
Antarctique 77036 Destockage

Vendredi 31 mai 2024

Welcome to PitPat Fitness World Download PitPat Free Virtual Running Apps with professional training courses and win a Big Bonus by participating in events that are available to everyone What You Can Find In PitPat Online Competition Friendly competition with friends, relatives, or...


  • PitPat
  • 77036 - HOUSTON
  • ’+1 858 258 3839
Antarctique 77036 Véhicule
For Training

Vendredi 31 mai 2024

PitPat for Training Run Further With Training Best Treadmill Training App Training requires professional coaching and encouraged companions, which all can get on PitPat. PitPat app includes free professional training courses. All the courses are made by professionals, and it's for everyone...


  • PitPat
  • 77036 - HOUSTON
  • ’+1 858 258 3839
Antarctique 77036 Habillement Femme
For Fitness

Vendredi 31 mai 2024

Pitpat Treadmill App for Weight Loss Online More Classes More Choices Get Fit by Best Fitness App for Treadmill Especially at home. TV and running APPs for iPhone can help you get a better mood. And with a running treadmill APP, you can get healthier. Freedom in PitPat App Open...


  • PitPat
  • 77036 - HOUSTON
  • ’+1 858 258 3839
Chine (Rép. pop) 110164 Pro / B2B
C&Q Amusement Kiddie Bumper Cars

Mercredi 05 juillet 2023

Kiddie bumper cars are a brand-new high-tech parent-child interactive bumper cars. This design of child bumper car injected new idea of sports competition spirit into the game which changed the original game modes. The game is more interesting. A special designed cambered chair makes...

C&Q amusement equipment

  • 110164 - shenyang
  • 024 89311699
Chine (Rép. pop) 610000 Hygiène / Santé
Massage Gun

Vendredi 05 mai 2023

Quantité : 200,000/mo - Prix : 20USD-200USD

As one of the leading massage gun wholesale suppliers in China, Beoka provides high-quality wholesale massage gun machines with vertical vibration. The principle of our muscle fascia massage gun is to relax and relieve muscle soreness, muscle tension imbalance, chronic strain pain...

SiChuan QianLi Beoka Medical Technology Co., Ltd

  • 610000 - CHENGDU
  • +8617308029893
Chine (Rép. pop) 511400 Divers

Jeudi 16 mars 2023

Prix : 1-10usd

The standard 21700 lithium rechargeable battery is 21mm around the circumference with 70mm high. The main advantages of the 21700 LFP lithium-ion battery cells are that the battery capacity increases by 35%, battery system energy density increases by about 20%, the cost of the system...

Great Power

Chine (Rép. pop) 435299 Pro / B2B
Off The Road Tire AE801 L-5

Vendredi 09 décembre 2022

The extra-deep tread pattern of Aulice L-5 gives outstanding wear life potential and the sidewall/tread intersection design gives an excellent level of damage and cut resistance. front end loader tires wheel loader excavator Abrasion Resistance Load Carrying Capacity Puncture Resistance...


  • 435299 - Huangshi
  • 86 027 87775708
Chine (Rép. pop) 110164 Sport
C&Q Amusement Kiddie Bumper Cars

Samedi 24 septembre 2022

Prix : 200000-5000000

Kiddie bumper carss are a brand-new high-tech parent-child interactive bumper cars. This design of child bumper car injected new idea of sports competition spirit into the game which changed the original game modes. The game is more interesting. A special designed cambered chair makes...

C&Q amusement equipment

  • 110164 - shenyang
  • 024 89311699
Chine (Rép. pop) 610000 Pro / B2B
Massage Gun

Mardi 02 août 2022

As a leading muscle massage gun supplier in China, Beoka provides quality massage gun wholesale machines with vertical vibration. The principle of our muscle fascia massage gun is to relax and relieve muscle soreness, muscle tension imbalance, chronic strain pain, and improvement...

SiChuan QianLi Beoka Medical Technology Co., Ltd

  • 610000 - CHENGDU
  • +8617308029893
Chine (Rép. pop) 610000 Habillement Enfant
Massage Gun

Mardi 21 juin 2022

Beoka machine gun muscle got vertical vibration. The principle is to relax and relieve muscle soreness, muscle tension imbalance, chronic strain pain, and improvement of joint mobility by high-frequency vibration. The amplitude of the muscle gun can reach 7mm-10mm, and the frequency...

SiChuan QianLi Beoka Medical Technology Co., Ltd

  • 610000 - CHENGDU
  • +8617308029893
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

ICF国际教练认证费用 how a life coach can help you how can you become a life coach CPCT101和CPCT301课程详细表- Coach8的课程设计是根据ICF要求的《11项核心技能》为基准,同时结合Coa ch8所设计的五大能力训练方向,设计出的一套综合训练专业教练的课程。Coach8 的课程主要包括五大模块:第一模块主要是基础课程,第二模块是教练能力的提升,第三模 块是ACC级别的工作坊 Coach8教练课程模块与学时对应表+ 学习Coach8课程的总模块与学时对比,如果要成功毕业需要把以下学时完成,并且要 填写至石墨学习记录...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

iecl企业教练认证课程 情商是情绪智商EQ,有的专家也称之为情绪智能AI,是人对客观事物的态度体验,是人 的需要是否被满足的反应。情绪是一个人所经历到的心理状态,例如欢乐、难过、恐惧、愤 怒、愉悦等等,每个人都有情绪。 情商的本质是情绪的管理能力,了解自己的情绪、了解他人的情绪,管理好自己的情绪又能 对他人的情绪做积极的影响。本iecl企业教练认证课程将帮助你通过情商教练认证,成 为一名情商教练 课程安排 课程内容 第一部分 情商调节的基础 1、如何提高一个人的自我意识? 2、如何做到自我调节? 3、怎么做到融入客户的情绪? 4、如何做到和客户的同理? 5、积极社交对教练过程的影响...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

意识转化教练 how to become a mental performance coach how to become a certified spiritual life coach how to become a mental coach how to become a mind coach how to be a spiritual coach how to be a spiritual life coach how to be a mindfulness coach 人的行为由潜意识支配着,我们的信念、价值观决定我们的潜意识。我们有什么样的信念存 在着?这个信念给我们带来什么样...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

nlp and coaching nlp coach practitioner 人们购买手机、电脑、相机,都会有一本说明书;但没有一个人会出生自带说明书,没人告 诉你如何阅读别人?如何理解自己?如何做一个内心强大的人?如何处理人和人之间的关系 问题?NLP就是这样一部实用的心理说明书,所以,它也被称作“大脑使用手册”!拥有 它帮助成为一名nlp 教练。 我们人生的困局往往来自于头脑与心灵的抵触、理智与感情的冲突、意识与潜意识的矛盾。 而NLP因为完全发现了思维和情绪的规律,知道如何让你的理性与感性协调一致、身心合 一。所以,用它来处理各种困局、突破发展瓶颈,就如利斧断木,效果惊人。而它也常常能 迅...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

CF所有级别的认证证书有效期为3年,3年后需要更新或升级证书。在更新时需要完成教 练再继续教育课程的学习,以保证教练是在持续性的提升自己的教练能力。 Coach8提供有多个CCE项目,针对希望获得新的学习机会的专业教练从业人员,或 用以更新ICF证书的高级培训项目。 CCE国际动机分析师认证课程 CCE国际动机分析师认证课程 项目收益 获得ICF CCE认证证书 取得德国LUXXprofile认证分析师申请资格 (视频介绍什么是LUXXprofile?) 项目结构 2-3天动机分析机线上集训课程 10小时线上督导 10个案例考核报告 3个限时案例考核 项目内容...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

职业管理就是确保你现在和将来充分利用你的工作生活。这不是一次性的活动,而是终身的 过程。像任何类型的管理一样,这也是关于积极主动,而不是等到你意识到有问题需要解决 。这样,你将有最好的机会为自己设定正确的目标,并选择实现这些目标的适当道路。 在职场中的每个人都需要一名职业发展教练,透过教练的陪伴,获得能量,持续提升,实现 自己人生的成功。 课程安排 第一部分 职业发展教练的基础 1、如何管理职业生涯? 2、如何规划? 3、如何做自我管理? 4、如何成功进阶自己的职位?(How do I become a career coach, How do I become...)


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

在你的生活里,有没有发生过下面的情形? 想改变自己,却不知道为什么老做不到? 给自己定了目标,却不知道下一步做什么? 面对父母、爱人、孩子,总是无法沟通? 团队无法领会你的意图,目标总是难以实现? ... ... 是的,任何人都会遇到问题,我要告诉你一个事实,有90%的人会选择“自己解决” 只有10%的人会选择寻求帮助。 教练技术课程机构 名人说 比尔盖茨 “人人都需要一位教练!那些能人、强人们,他们会选择一位专业教练帮助自己。” 马云 “教练的技能是一门超强有力的沟通技术,我时时刻刻都在用” 董明珠 “教练让人充满一定要赢的精神。” 王石 “教练让你充满挑战无限高峰的精神。”...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 225000 Divers
ICF国际教练认证ACSTH项目 ACC认证课程

Mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Prix : 5000-50000USD

ACC认证适合那些希望将教练技能添加到现有技能中的人员,Coach8的CPCT1 01项目是已经获得了ICF授权批准ACSTH项目,经过学习、指导可以通过ACST H途径申请ACC认证。课程内容包括认证所需的核心能力训练、导师指导,以为提升教练 能力的辅导。在这里你可以一边学习,一边实践来积累教练小时数,并在每个阶段获得 国际认证acc教练 的指导以检验自己的学习成果。 acc coaching program 模块A:理论体系(60小时+) 类型 时长 具体内容 基础知识点 20学时 手把手带你开始教练之旅,从人的内在心理底层开始探索,学习如何让一场教练对话更有效 。并通过大量的...


  • 225000 - Kunming
  • +15 6 68 66 07 63
Chine (Rép. pop) 511450 Biens d'équipement
Casino Bag

Mercredi 26 mai 2021

Texpack Manufacturing was founded in 2002, and has grown up into one of the largest memory foam manufacturers of home textile packaging and aims to be the leading supplier of this industry in the world.The products of bags and packaging include memory foam cushion, memory foam cushion...

Texpack Manufacturing Limited

  • 511450 - Guangzhou
  • 020 3996 0576
Chine (Rép. pop) 450008 Biens d'équipement
photo non disponible

Jeudi 01 octobre 2020

the future is all-electric. hybrid and electric vehicles are earning its market share in the world. thus electric bus air conditioner and compressor are doom to be the most popular unit in the near future. If interested in Full Electric bus AC system, please kindly click this link...

Aire acondicionado para autobús Guchen

  • 450008 - zhengzhou
  • 037169152894
Chine (Rép. pop) 100020 Pro / B2B

Lundi 01 juillet 2019

Chinese tax authorities require all enterprises to complete a tax filing on a monthly basis (quarterly for representative offices), failure to do so may result in late interest penalties and fines. You may also be required by your headquarters' management to update them on how well...

Lee & Lee Associates

  • 100020 - beijing
  • 86 10 6593 5066
France 51310 Habillement / Mode
Tenue de sport

Jeudi 28 juin 2018

Quantité : 1000 - Prix : 5,00 €

Auteurs Impex est une équipe de jeunes et passionnés expérimentés dans la fabrication et l'exportation Sports & Casual depuis sa création en 2015, avec une vision de fournir des vêtements tricotés de haute qualité décorés avec sérigraphie, sublimation, transfert de chaleur, appliqués...

Auteurs Impex

  • LU1 5HR - Sialkot
  • 3311402222
Chine (Rép. pop) 266000 Biens d'équipement
Railway wheel railroad casting wheel rail forged wheel railroad solid wheel railway monoblock whe...

Dimanche 25 février 2018

Quantité : 1 piece - Prix : $1

We can supply railway wheel for railway rolling stocks, including cast steel & rolled/forged steel wheels. We can supply most of international standard, such as AAR M-107/M-208, UIC 812-3, BS 5892-3, JIS E5402-2, IRS R34, TB/T 2817,GOST etc. Wheel diameter: Φ500mm~Φ1400mm; We...

Hermes Industry Group, Inc

  • 266000 - Qingdao
  • 86 0532 86309759
  • +15 2 44 26 32 77
Chine (Rép. pop) 266000 Biens d'équipement
Railway wheelset rail wheel set railroad wheel pairs train wheelsets railcar wheel set locomotive...

Samedi 24 février 2018

Quantité : 1 piece - Prix : $1

1. We can supply railway wheelset for railway rolling stocks, including cast steel or forged steel wheelset. Wheelsets diverses from standard gauges 1435mm, broad gauges 1520mm or 1676mm, narrow gauges 1000mm, etc. 2. Our wheelset can comply with requirement of international standards like AAR...

Hermes Industry Group, Inc

  • 266000 - Qingdao
  • 86 0532 86309759
  • +15 2 44 26 32 77
Chine (Rép. pop) 266000 Biens d'équipement
Railway hollow axle railway forged axle train rough semi-finished finished machined axle

Samedi 24 février 2018

Quantité : 1 piece - Prix : $1

We can supply various kinds of finished and semi-finished railway axle with different dimensions for railway rolling stocks. We have strong capability of designing and manufacturing to meet client's special requirement. Our factory has produced axles more than 3 decades, and it is...

Hermes Industry Group, Inc

  • 266000 - Qingdao
  • 86 0532 86309759
  • +15 2 44 26 32 77
Chine (Rép. pop) 310030 Pro / B2B
4G In-vehicle Video Terminal

Jeudi 22 février 2018

As the economy and society develop quickly, the transporting of people and cargos is more and more frequent. Thus, it becomes a serious and meaningful challenge that how to transport people and goods from one place to another. In order to strengthen the vehicle monitoring on the road...

Hangzhou Hopechart IoT Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 310030 - Hangzhou
  • 0086 571 88963823
  • 86 18665833996
Chine (Rép. pop) 310030 Pro / B2B

Jeudi 22 février 2018

- Tachograph - The standard 1 din tachograph device not only records driving speed and distance but also can collect vehicle status and failure information through CAN Bus and RS232 ports. Designed and developed by Hangzhou Hopechart IoT Technology, the tachograph devices are combined with GPS...

Hangzhou Hopechart IoT Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 310030 - Hangzhou
  • 0086 571 88963823
  • 86 18665833996
Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

Résultat de votre recherche COACH VITRINES DES GROSSISTES - 10 Résultats

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10. Shenzhen Marshell Green Power CO.,LTD - Marshell-a world-class manufacturer of electric vehicle, owns 80,000 square meters of workshop, over 100 experienced engineers and 2,000 skilled workers. With 8 production lines, Marshell can deliver 10 containers electric vehicles per day,such as electric car, electric vehicle, golf cart, electric scooter, wheelchair, golf trolley(golf buggy/golf caddy),golf car, tourist coach...

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