Realist custom oil painting by 100% handpainted |
Completely 100% handmade oil painting |
size |
8"x10",12"x16", 16"x20",20"x24",24"x36",30"x36",30"x40",36"x48",48"x72". Customized sizes are welcome! |
price |
We have own studio so thant we can control the cost directly. We offer very competitive price for buyers and wholesale price for big quantity. |
Quality levels |
Museum, high, medium and commercial |
Shipping |
Within 2-3 weeks after receiving payment. |
Production capacity |
20,000pcs each month |
1 |
When an oil painting is finished, we will take photos by digital and email to you for approval. If you are not satisfied, we will make one of our senior artists to improve until it meets your satisfaction. And, if you receive the oil painting, but not satisfied for any reason, you are still free to return us within 14 days for replacement, or a full refund, or an exchange in next order.
If you are interested in our service, please contact us without any hesitation. Thanks!
Bonne affaire : acheter au vendeur
Cette page concerne les importateurs et exportateurs de Realist custom oil painting by 100% handpainted Rechercher dans la catégorie : Artisanat Rechercher dans la catégorie : realist, handpainted, custom, painting, 100% |
Mardi 31 décembre 2024
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